

Diversification, Profitability and Added Value
Inversiones Maslosa / Who We Are / Culture and Values

Integrity, responsibility, ethics and sustainability are the basis of our identity.

Without responsible investment, it is not possible to take advantage of the growing opportunities or to overcome the infinite number of risks that we are facing today, as well as those that are foreseen not too distant in the future; in this regard, we all have a responsibility to help lay the foundation for inclusive and prosperous societies, for ourselves and future generations.

Our business focus is to create long-term value by taking advantage of opportunities and effectively risks managing inherent in our economic, environmental and social development. It is important for us to consider financially material aspects related to environmental, social and governance performance (ESG) and integrate them into all kind of investment process assets, which leads us to make better and more informed decisions.

“The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should be a must guide for everyone. As investors we are also obliged to contribute to its achievement through our analysis process. In particular, SDG 8 -decent work and economic growth-, 9 -industry, innovation and infrastructure-, 11 –sustainable cities and communities – and 17 –partnerships for goals- those are key because they enable the achievement of the rest”.
Inversiones Maslosa.

As active investors we decidedly work on these objectives basing our evaluation on two methods:

  • An exclusive analysis depending on the business nature that the companies carry out and also how their stakeholders are taken into account.
  • An evaluative analysis focused on the “best in class” concept through which globally evaluate, the companies behavior based on the ESG criteria, in order to find those that are better prepared to face the future challenges and, therefore, have competitive advantages and sustainable businesses.

The core values ​​that apply to our investment policy are:

We participate in the entrepreneurial ecosystem with smart financing that allows us to reach long-term profitability objectives.

We provide to invested companies and their management teams the experience acquired in our activity in various sectors: help in the analysis and definition of strategies, business plan elaboration that contemplates the investment period, areas for improvement identification, financial structure optimization, incentive systems design and implementation, etc.

We formulate and evaluate the projects in a joint manner, creating a global vision, in order to implement homogeneous criteria in the investment decision making.

We are not associated or linked to any organization or corporate group. We act independently with a strategy aimed at a sustainable and balanced growth.

Each investment process is carried out through professional and prudent management in accordance with criteria based on security, profitability, liquidity, diversification, dispersion, monetary congruency and temporality without prejudice to adjustment or permanent rebalancing, within defined margins, in accordance with its evolution.

Agile and flexible organizational structure in its management resources, also discretionary in the decision making, in order to contribute in the global objectives achievement.

Permanent analysis of the market and its environment, continuous investment search opportunities, proactive management programs development and value added strategies implementation.

We take into consideration Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) criteria, as well as traditional financial factors, in the process of analysing and assembling our investment portfolio. Building on this analysis, we obtain a better and more complete assessment of potential investments, providing added value and achieving a more efficient decision making process in the long term.

(+34) 916 683 706 | info@maslosa.com