
These are new times that announce a different way of doing business, one in which all parties come together in a common benefit and interest.

At Inversiones Maslosa we aim to achieve sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth through a stable and diversified assets portfolio with a long-term horizon and a management model based on ethical values, business solvency and commitment to the community and new generations.

Our flexible investment approach applies a sophisticated financial analysis model and Due Diligence that allows us to significantly reduce the effects of certain risks and to define specific results in a efficient manner, methodically and fundamentally evaluating the performance and evolution of our investments and the maximum probable loss that they can experience during a specific interval.

About Us
We are an independent private capital society that bases its activity on the value creation through a diversified asset management compatible with predictable cash flows and low volatility, also contributing to the entrepreneurial ecosystem evolution with the execution of investments in innovative and disruptive projects with exponential growth capacity.
Culture and Values
Inspired on the principles of “Value Investing”, we are looking for sustainable and profitable growth using our own energy and resources in combination with an efficient diversification of financial sources and liquidity management, in order to consolidate and optimize the capital structure that strengthens our capacity and operational flexibility.
Investment Philosophy
We deploy uncorrelated strategies in the search for significant returns in the medium and long term, by investing in real estate assets, infrastructure debt and companies with a high growth potential, quality and solid fundamentals, that are creating or disrupting a sector and show a dynamic character, flexible and enterprising.





These are new times that announce a different way of doing business, one in which all parties come together in a common benefit and interest.

At Inversiones Maslosa we aim to achieve sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth through a stable and diversified assets portfolio with a long-term horizon and a management model based on ethical values, business solvency and commitment to the community and new generations.

Our flexible investment approach applies a sophisticated financial analysis model and Due Diligence that allows us to significantly reduce the effects of certain risks and to define specific results in a efficient manner, methodically and fundamentally evaluating the performance and evolution of our investments and the maximum probable loss that they can experience during a specific interval.

About Us
We are an independent private capital society that bases its activity on the value creation through a diversified asset management compatible with predictable cash flows and low volatility, also contributing to the entrepreneurial ecosystem evolution with the execution of investments in innovative and disruptive projects with exponential growth capacity.

Culture and Values
Inspired on the principles of “Value Investing”, we are looking for profitable growth using our own energy and resources in combination with an efficient diversification of financial sources and liquidity management, in order to consolidate and optimize the capital structure that strengthens our capacity and operational flexibility.

Investment Philosophy
We deploy uncorrelated strategies in the search for significant returns in the medium and long term, by investing in real estate assets, infrastructure debt and companies with a high growth potential, quality and solid fundamentals, that are creating or disrupting a sector and show a dynamic character, flexible and enterprising.

Gross Asset Value (GAV)


We diversify to serve a double purpose: to contain risk and optimise returns.

Our goal is to build a balanced and widely diversified portfolio at sectorial level with quality assets that require little correlation with traditional markets, through the application of selective profitability and risk criteria.

We have extensive experience in Co-investment and direct investment, also in the careful selection of non-listed companies on a global level, which involves a high rigor and understanding of the Due Diligence process for the purpose of the investment opportunities analysis and the development of financial models.

We temporarily and minority participate in the capital stock of medium capitalization companies, already consolidated or in the initial stages of their development, have validated their business model and need capital to contribute to their expansion and their shareholding reorganisation.

We generate profitability through a real estate investment strategy adapted to market cycle and opportunity, focused on value creation through active management (looking to reposition or improve assets deliver rental management, etc.) and exploitation of irrigated land and rural production assets with high productive value.

We invest in infrastructures based on a strategy-asset with an attractive and diversifiable risk-return profile that shows great resistance to negative GDP variations, in addition revaluation in interest rate cuts and long duration.


Gross Asset Value (GAV)


We diversify to serve a double purpose: to contain risk and optimise returns.

Our goal is to build a balanced and widely diversified portfolio at sectorial level with quality assets that require little correlation with traditional markets, through the application of selective profitability and risk criteria.

We have extensive experience in Co-investment and direct investment, also in the careful selection of non-listed companies on a global level, which involves a high rigor and understanding of the Due Diligence process for the purpose of the investment opportunities analysis and the development of financial models.

We temporarily and minority participate in the capital stock of medium capitalization companies, already consolidated or in the initial stages of their development, have validated their business model and need capital to contribute to their expansion and their shareholding reorganisation.

We generate profitability through a real estate investment strategy adapted to market cycle and opportunity, focused on value creation through active management (looking to reposition or improve assets deliver rental management, etc.) and exploitation of irrigated land and rural production assets with high productive value.

We invest in infrastructures based on a strategy-asset with an attractive and diversifiable risk-return profile that shows great resistance to negative GDP variations, in addition revaluation in interest rate cuts and long duration.

We apply a comprehensive and systematic risk management model approach that improves our ability to manage uncertaint’s scenarios.

To maximize value, it is necessary that the objectives established in the strategic plan be in balance with the growth and profitability intended and the inherent risks. The search for a multidisciplinary approach in the management of inherent risks allows us to obtain benefits through its evaluation in terms of probability, impact and the supervision of the interrelation existing between them.

We bet on projects with high social sensitivity, which take into account environmental, ethical, social and corporate governance factors.

As people, we feel the responsibility to recognize and accept commitments in a conscious and sensitive way towards our environment; to always focus on the future in a proactive manner, adopting habits, strategies and processes that help us to improve and establishing a responsible framework action that serves as the basis for the integration of social responsibility in all our operations.


We apply a structured method, based on efficient diversification through a continuous process of identification, selection, valuation and due diligence of opportunities.


We determine the specific risk-return profile of each asset class.

We design an investment policy based on the strategic distribution according each type of asset, its fundamentals and prospects in the medium and long term.

We developed an objective description, systematic and quantitative of the financial statements and interest rates of each component candidate to be part of the investment portfolio.


We qualitatively analyze the company with the object of knowing its peculiarities, sector in which it operates; macroeconomic variables that may affect it, operational and legal risk, management team, etc.

We determine the criteria for the assets exploitation and their monitoring progress in investment terms, statistically and econometrically weighting the profitability distribution to different terms and the adaptation flexibility depending on the market environment.


We perform a monitoring of the portfolio positions and their fundamentals (results, indebtedness, etc.) and a control of those risks that affect the objectives related to the resources efficient use and constant activity in the long term.

We ensure the compliance of the strategies and management guidelines established, applying methodologies, analysis systems, decision-making procedures and control tools at the global level.


Business areas


Managed assets1




Valuation / year


Own funds

1Real estate + Rural production assets

2Private capital + Infrastructure debt

*Figures as of December 31, 2024


Real estate purchasing and selling operations | Acquisition of shares issued by companies or venture capital funds | Financing investment projects in infrastructure | Press releases and opinion


Real estate purchasing and selling operations | Acquisition of shares issued by companies or venture capital funds | Financing investment projects in infrastructure | Press releases and opinion

(+34) 916 683 706 | info@maslosa.com